Change is here and it's the beginning of a 'new normal' for your music studio...

Pivot quickly and easily to an online model. Here's how to teach music online and build resilience, extend your reach and shock-proof your income in times of change.

Watch Intro Video


Music studios around the world are being called to innovate online.

Is your music studio built for an era of online learning?

The face to face teaching model that has been the cornerstone for small music studios has been severely disrupted, almost overnight. 

There are unprecedented challenges facing studio owners right now. And there's uncertainty about how long we may need to adapt our approach to teaching and running a small studio in a world that's facing a period of disruption to normal routine.

Maybe you're already experiencing it - lesson cancellations, fewer enquiries from new students, and the bills starting to pile up as your cash flow slows,  all a result of the responsible isolation we now need to operate under. 

But there is hope during hardship, and I believe there will be many inspiring stories of creativity and innovation as the way we run our businesses and go about our everyday lives, adapts to a largely online model.  

You're standing at a crossroads

And there's two choices here.

You can play defence and pull back from change. But you almost certainly will be left behind by the new online-driven world that's being created right now...


You can double down and create a resilient and sustainable future online.

Online lessons are now the new normal.

And it's easier than you think to get started and teach music online.

What I’m about to show you is a result of my research, trial and error, and my personal passion to empower others to discover their untapped potential. 

Over the past year I’ve committed myself to testing and implementing a growing online model in my own studio that

  • attracts new students through creative advertising and social media presence
  • captures prospective student's details for nurturing and relationship building
  • employs a strategic funnel to maximise conversions of new students to become long-term partnerships
  • delivers a streamlined and user-friendly interface to bring students and tutors together

To meet the increasing need for this information, I felt compelled to compile my knowledge and experience together into one turn-key resource that you can easily implement and make your own. 

This is the first step towards your own thriving online music studio.


The Online Studio Jump Start course

Implement my blueprint and be accepting lesson bookings online in just a few hours

This innovative short course is the only one of its kind and is designed specifically for those who are starting their online presence FROM SCRATCH.

I personally coach you click-by-click through the essential tasks to begin building your online music studio, and transition your students quickly and seamlessly. 

More importantly, I lay it all on the table and tell you what DIDN’T work. 

Trust me, working through this course will save you some serious time and effort trying to put this together all on your own. 

What we'll be covering

In these bite-sized videos, I’ll create the framework of an online studio right alongside you to show you just how easy it is to do.

  • Calendars. An auto-syncing system that allows students and tutors to book and manage lessons with a few clicks.

  • Communication. Never forget an email or lose a file with this automated solution for sharing important information

  • Cash flow. Integrate instant payment options

  • Convenience. Create an all in one ecosystem that will reduce time administering your studio.

  • Conversions. An exclusive behind the scenes tour of how I move prospective students into paying students using a strategic funnel and sales page.

Let's build your online studio together, today

Sign up

Full course outline.

Bite-sized videos to guide you step-by-step.

  • 1

    Welcome and overview

    • Welcome and how to use this course
    • What we're building together...
    • The Flute Coach funnel
  • 2


    • Which Calendly plan should I choose?
    • Registering for Calendly
    • Connecting your calendar
    • Updating your account settings
    • Integrations explained
    • Setting up Zoom
    • How to integrate Zoom
    • NEW: Setting your schedule and creating an event (lesson type)
    • Configuring a lesson Pt 1
    • Checking for calendar conflicts
    • Configuring a lesson Pt 2
    • Creating additional calendars
    • Never get double booked
    • NEW: How to schedule recurring lessons
    • Sharing your calendar
  • 3

    Taking payment

    • Setting up and Integrating Stripe
    • Setting up and Integrating Paypal
    • How to take payment externally with Paypal
  • 4

    File Sharing

    • Share resources using Dropbox or Google Drive
  • 5

    The lesson booking experience

    • The lesson confirmation email
    • How to reschedule a lesson
    • Connecting with Zoom for a lesson
  • 6

    Automation and Email Communication

    • Setting up Mail Chimp
    • Setting up an automated email
    • Automating with Zapier
    • NEW: Using Workflows
  • 7

    Behind the scenes with The Flute Coach

    • My super converting lesson page
  • 8

    Wrap Up

    • Final message
    • How did I do?

Join the course today

Fast-track your studio and teach music online with my 'done for you' blueprint.

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What are people saying?

Great timely info you need to begin your transition to on...

Nino Alves

When it came to giving music lessons online there were always the skeptics about how effective it really was and how easy it would be to set up. Thing i...

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When it came to giving music lessons online there were always the skeptics about how effective it really was and how easy it would be to set up. Thing is even without todays global challenges around social distancing the fact is the reasons for transitioning a music tuition business to online not only makes sense.... it's a whole lot easier than it used to be not so long ago! Challenges such as travelling to lessons, finding a good in your local area, finding the time to learn and practice has always been a source of frustration for both teachers and students! And nowadays being able to deliver your tuition online might actually mean the difference between your students actually being able to learn... and the one thing you need right now in order to maintain a viable teaching business. This course is perfect for teachers and also for all you students out there who through interest (or necessity!) is taking their lessons online. And fortunately for us, Christie hard work putting this course together removes all the legwork out of having to go it alone from scratch so you can get up and running online fast.

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A highly relevant course at a critical time

Antonio Herbert

In a time where a global pandemic has forced digital learning to disrupted the education industry, Christie has provided an intuitive "DIY" jumpstart into de...

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In a time where a global pandemic has forced digital learning to disrupted the education industry, Christie has provided an intuitive "DIY" jumpstart into developing an online flute studio. Whether one is transitioning into an online studio from teaching face to face or starting your first online studio, this course will provide you with the essential information you need to get online without stress and irritation. From file sharing, emailing, and using calendly- a scheduling platform, this course checks all the boxes.

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Exactly what's needed to get your self organized and look...

Tom Snyder

I found Christie's course to be very helpful as I build my music own music studio and especially now while we can't have that "gold standard" everyone talks ...

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I found Christie's course to be very helpful as I build my music own music studio and especially now while we can't have that "gold standard" everyone talks about, the live one to one in person instructional lesson. I have scrawled through countless on line forums only to find myself going aimlessly down the wrong worm hole of misinformation to learn exactly what has been presented in this course. The money you will spend on this course, which is about half your friendly neighborhood weekend warrier club gig pocket change, or the cost of a one hour lesson, is absolutley worth it. I'm not even a flute instructor and the material presented was helpful in every way. For example, I was under the impression that I would typing endless e-mails back and forth to my potential students or parents of sudents and countless hours opening my calendar to jugle an everchanging teaching scehdule I was so greatefull to see right off the top of this program that there is a much easier way out there and Christie walks you step by step through her proven approach. No more scheduling nightmares and you can spend your time teaching and honing your own craft. There are also segments within this course on taking payments, sharing files, software and application merging so they work together. It's all there for one to dig in, learn, try and implement. And now I will! Thank you Chrisite!

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Highly recommended!

Maya Lorenzen

The online studio jump start course is great for anyone who is interested in moving their studio online- Christie walks you through every single step on the ...

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The online studio jump start course is great for anyone who is interested in moving their studio online- Christie walks you through every single step on the way. It is clear, thorough and done by someone who doesn't only have the experience, but the will to help everyone. Truly recommended

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"The Flute Coach" class review

Doran Heck

Hi, This is Doran. I can see you put a lot of work into this course. All the integration between apps is interesting. I like the idea of making the lesson...

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Hi, This is Doran. I can see you put a lot of work into this course. All the integration between apps is interesting. I like the idea of making the lesson personal to fit the student. Your class a good combination of administrative duties, aesthetics, and lesson know how.

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Great for Those New to Online Teaching

Emily Smith

This course was really helpful for me, as I feel like I've had a crash course in online teaching since the pandemic took hold. I needed some direction and re...

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This course was really helpful for me, as I feel like I've had a crash course in online teaching since the pandemic took hold. I needed some direction and recommendations for apps I can use to streamline the process. I found the content regarding file sharing, Zoom tips, Zapier, and website suggestions especially helpful. While I appreciated the tutorial on using Calendly, I found it a bit lengthy. Honestly, I have my own scheduling system simply using Google calendar. My website is powered by Wix, and I know I can integrate online scheduling through their apps as well. At this time, I've only moved my in-studio students online. I have not yet received new student requests, but as our school year (what's left of it) winds down, I will be recruiting -- I expect to be teaching exclusively online for the foreseeable future. I look forward to incorporating the tools highlighted in this course as I segue into this new phase. Great instruction -- very clear and easy to follow! I liked the "bite size" videos; it was nice being able to pick up where I left off. I will definitely be interested in future courses. Thank you!

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Pivot with speed

The truth is the longer you wait to pivot, your income will be impacted and your students lose that continuity and learning momentum you've been working so hard at. 

I know you’ve spent years investing in and developing relationships with your students, and the fact you're still here tells me you're not about to let them go so easily.

That’s why I’m keeping it really simple and super affordable.

Join the Jump Start with a one time payment

Instant access to all course material (and any future updates) that NEVER expires.

  • $77.00

    One-time payment for instant access

    Sign Up

Here's why this integrated platform is SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL than simply using video to deliver your lessons.

I hate to say this, but the biggest barrier to your studio growing in student numbers (and revenue) is YOU!


Many teachers who run their home studios are getting completely over-run by the administration of their studios.

Meaning more time on the phone, and writing emails, and co-coordinating calendars and writing invoices and LESS on your gifting as a teacher.

I want you to meet Tom (you'll see him in the video below).

Well he was one of my first students through this course. Not only has the course practically helped him to schedule and deliver his music lessons online, but he's also shared THREE ways the course has helped him multiply his time.

"I have scrawled through countless online forums only to find myself going aimlessly down the wrong worm hole of misinformation..."

Been there. Done that.

You're here because you're in research mode. But you've probably found that research mode can turn up so many options that it actually paralyses you from moving forward. As you've been planning how to deliver your music lessons online, how many times have you thrown up your hands and said "I just want someone to SHOW me what to do!

You got it.

  • No more Googling.
  • No more second-guessing yourself and what you're doing.
  • No more trial periods of 6 different platforms you're trying to learn how to use

 "I was under the impression that I would typing endless e-mails back and forth to my potential students or parents of students and countless hours opening my calendar to juggle an ever changing teaching schedule I was so grateful to see right off the top of this program that there is a much easier way out there"

Been there too.

You WILL outgrow a Gmail system of manual emailing. (That's a GOOD thing!). By integrating your availability, your personal calendar, online lesson scheduling and some email automation you can eliminate A LOT of the communication ping-pong that you would normally be doing. 

You'll gain back HOURS of your time each week. 

So what does this all mean?

You'll reclaim more of the most precious resource you have - TIME.

That means

✔️More calendar squares you can make available for lessons
✔️Greater profitability
✔️Less time administering your studio.
✔️The ability to scale up and grow your business (that's not limited by you're ability to answer emails)
✔️More time doing what you do best - teaching.
Click to enroll today

How Tom's used the course to deliver his online lessons AND save hours of administration each week...

It's 100% risk free

  • 7 day satisfaction

    This course comes with a 7 day money back guarantee. If you feel that it doesn’t deliver, you'll receive your money back. Just send me a quick email and let me know. Really.

  • No subscription

    Your access to videos will never expire so you can take this at whatever pace suits you. There’s no sneaky auto-renewing subscriptions to worry about, and no annoying plan to opt out of.

  • Personal email support

    My mission is to help you implement this system and get it working for you. I'm personally available to chat over email, to help with any aspect of the course. I'm here for you and your goals for your studio.

Set up your Calendly studio and easily drop it into your existing website OR simply share with your students by email.

Whether you've got a fully-functioning website, you're in the process of creating one or you prefer simple emails, this studio set up can be used right away.

I know what you're thinking...

  • I'm not 'techie' at all. I'm not sure I can get the technology working.

    Don't worry. Neither am I. That's EXACTLY why I've landed on this particular model. It's an ALL in ONE solution, meaning you don't' need to separately research calendars, and payment merchants, and email automation. It's all right here, and BUILT to work together seamlessly, Integrating tools like video scheduling, calendar availability and payment really only takes a few clicks. And in this course, I literally do this with you SIDE BY SIDE. I set up an entire studio, in just a few hours. In the training videos I share my screen and show you EXACTLY where to click. You don't need any particular computer skills or be familiar with any type of software. Just follow my lead, and you will be ready to take lesson bookings and payments INSTANTLY.

  • Do I need a website to use this course??

    No, you don't need a website upfront. If your sole purpose is to simply transition your current students from in-person to online lessons, then you can use the calendar and all its features simply by sharing the link via email or Facebook or text. Students can automatically book and reschedule lesson times and make payment to you.

    But if you DO have a website, Calendly is so incredibly easy to embed and present. Embed you entire calendar into a web page or as a popup. No matter what stage of the journey you're on with building your online presence, this studio ecosystem can slot in and powerfully streamline the administrative process when it comes to managing your student bookings and payments.

  • Teaching online makes sense, but I'm worried the video and audio quality won't be very good and it's less personal...

    There's always been the debate between whether online lessons can measure up to in-person lessons. Can you REALLY build relationship with people when you can't physically meet? Can you really get the very BEST results for your students? Are online lessons second best?

    I have built my entire online flute studio from scratch, without EVER meeting a student in-person. And I've gotten amazing feedback from them, saying just how much they love being a part of my online studio. I am proof that if you set up a system that is a great user experience for your students, they will loyally stand by your side.

    As for tech, there's a few easy settings that make for the best possible audio and visual experience. Feeling nervous before delivering your first online lesson is pretty normal. But you can have confidence in the platform. It's designed to be as simple to use as possible, so you can concentrate on your gifting as a teacher.

It's your moment...

You’re facing a real defining moment here about the future of your business. Will you take the path that I’ve tried and tested for you, and create your new future?

I’d love to lead you in this training and show you how your business can thrive through challenge.

Let's build your studio today,
